Scaphoid Fracture

A scaphoid (navicular) fracture is a break in one of the small bones of the wrist. The most frequent scenario for this kind of fracture is a fall onto an extended hand.


Pain and swelling are frequently experienced by sufferers of scaphoid fractures in the anatomic snuffbox and on the wrist’s thumb side. When you move your thumb or wrist, or when you attempt to squeeze or hold something, the pain may become intense.

It might not be clear that your scaphoid bone is damaged unless your wrist is malformed. Some scaphoid fractures cause mild pain that could be mistaken for a sprained wrist.

It’s crucial to consult a doctor if your wrist pain persists after a day of injury because it could be an indication of a fracture. Scaphoid fractures should be treated as away to help prevent any potential consequences.


Typically, a scaphoid fracture happens when you fall onto your palm with an outstretched hand. Depending on how the hand lands, the larger forearm bone (the radius) may also fracture in this kind of fall.

Injuries can also occur during athletic events or auto accidents.

People of all ages, including kids, can sustain scaphoid fractures.

There aren’t any particular conditions or risk factors that increase your likelihood of developing a scaphoid fracture. According to several research, wearing wrist protectors while engaging in high-intensity sports like inline skating and snowboarding can lessen the risk of shattering a wrist bone.
